Last minute specials

kids dog on bridge

Winter is a great time to visit the Hocking Hills and Marsh Hollow: the crowds are gone, the rates are lower and it’s the quietest time of year. On top of that, we offer last minutes specials, generally for 1-6 days in advance. The last minute calendar is updated every day, so even though this post was made on January 4, the table below is current:

Call John at 614-499-8205 to book one of these great deals. Two day minimum, pets are welcome!

Mary at Marsh Hollow

Gifts for the fairies?

Fairy house

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Fairy house interiorLast week we stopped by the Marsh Hollow fairy house for a visit. The fairies weren’t home, but the door was wide open and the place was crammed with gifts for the fairies! Or they are starting to hoard things for the winter. We saw a package of crackers, a stick of gum and a bandaid, among some lovely pinecones, pebbles and acorns.

Later in the week we revisited, and all the non-natural things were gone. So somebody appreciated them! We have a lot of squirrels in the woods – bet they had a taste of those crackers.

If you visit Marsh Hollow with a child, be sure to take a hike up into the woods to find the fairy house. Rhea, our resident fairy, often leaves gifts for young ones.

P.S. We wrapped a candy cane striped ribbon on the fairy house. We hope they like it!